স্ট্যান্ডার্ড সল্টি রেসিস্ট্যান্ট (Standard Salty Resistant)
Standard Salt Resistant (Salt Resistant) Salinity Control and Dump Proofing Admixture. It is a chloride free salinity control and proofing admixture.
Areas of use of standard Salty Resistant:
- Standard salt resistant (200ML-300ML) should be used with each bag of cement.
- Standard salt resistance does not prevent water penetration of dry concrete and stops the passage of water through the insulated concrete.
- Standard salts act as resilient compounds of resistant concrete.
- It has no effect on the compressive strength of concrete, but helps to increase the durability of concrete.
- Standard salty resistant is used in all plasters including salinity, damp area casting.